Month: January 2019

Howard Schultz Starbucks ex ceo. Presidential Bid. Political Cartoon FOR Donald Trump 🍇Howard Schultz Starbucks ex ceo. Presidential Bid. Political Cartoon FOR Donald Trump 🍇

Alex Jones now is hilarious he telling all New York liberal women that they are getting ripped off because hospitals are taking their “aborted” yet snuck in the back- babies

Nancy Pelosi Covington Catholic Political Cartoon FOR Donald Trump 👨‍🎨Nancy Pelosi Covington Catholic Political Cartoon FOR Donald Trump 👨‍🎨

This is my political cartoon I’ve been working out a schedule for myself. I couldn’t believe the Covington school kids they were so beautiful so kind so sweet and the

POLITICAL CARTOONS for Donald Trump ♥️POLITICAL CARTOONS for Donald Trump ♥️

I’ve been doing OK it’s just drawing a cartoon is easy for me . I just posted this but I can’t find it on my blog . It’s a mess

White House prepares Ruth Bader Ginsburg departure balloon political cartoon for Donald Trump 🍇White House prepares Ruth Bader Ginsburg departure balloon political cartoon for Donald Trump 🍇

I’m working out of work schedule everyday I have a whole page of to do lists just for every single cartoon it’s really really hard it’s 11:00 p.m. I’m so

Jim Jordan. Michael Cohen. Political Cartoon FOR Donald Trump 💓Jim Jordan. Michael Cohen. Political Cartoon FOR Donald Trump 💓–episode-119 I seen this headline on drudge and I thought well what could Michael Cohen possibly say more than he has already lied about so many times so I figured